Candela lumen calculator
Candela lumen calculator


One measures the angle between the axis where the light source gives its greatest light intensity and the axis where that intensity is reduced to 50%. In the image above, this angle is denoted by θ. The angle of the vertex is twice that angle (which means = 2θ). Since lumen and candela measurements are related through viewing angle (or vertex angle), it is helpful to know how this angle is defined. Definition of apex angle or vertex angle. The lumen (unit lm) gives the total luminous flux of a light source by multiplying the intensity (in candela) by the angular range over which the light is emitted.Īs a frame of reference, a standard 120V / 60W bulb has a wattage of 850 lm, and the equivalent 230V / 60W bulb has a wattage of 700 lm. A 20W low voltage (12V) tungsten halogen lamp produces approximately 310 lm.


The cause of this relationship is the total energy produced by the LED. LEDs of a specific class (eg “high flux”) all produce roughly the same amount of light energy. However, when an LED emits its full energy in a beam with a narrow angle, the intensity will be greater (in the direction of that angle) than when the same energy was emitted at a wide angle.

candela lumen calculator

If you look at LEDs, especially high-brightness LEDs, you may notice that they have a high luminous intensity (in candela or milli-candela, mcd) and usually have a narrow corner angle. Similarly, LEDs with a wide vertex angle tend to have a relatively low light intensity. The same applies to halogen spotlights with a reflector: those with a narrow-beam reflector have a higher candlepower than wide-beam spotlights with the same power. The angular span of the candela is expressed in steradian, a unitless measure (this is like radians for angles in two-dimensional space, but they are not the same). A steradian on a sphere with a radius of one meter gives a surface area of ​​one m 2 . A complete sphere measures 4π stereoradians. This is because the screen B covers the same angle as screen A. To facilitate illustration, in the image above the three dimensions have been reduced to two. In this image, screen B would capture exactly the same amount of light rays (emitted from the light source) as screen A, provided that screen A was removed so as not to obscure screen B. The candela measures the amount of light emitted in the range of an angular (three-dimensional) span. Since light intensity is described in terms of an angle, the distance at which you measure this intensity is irrelevant. The candela (cd unit) has its origin in the brightness of a “standard candle”, but has received a more precise definition in the International System of Units (SI), and at that time the unit was also called a “candle” or “candle”. More importantly, this knowledge will ensure that your lighting supplier does not mislead you, as they may try to convince you of the advantages of a lighting fixture by citing impressive lumens or candela numbers that are not relevant to your needs. Knowing the difference between lumens and candela will help you choose lighting fixtures that suit the needs of your workplace

candela lumen calculator

Lumens and candela are units of measurement for lighting, but they measure different aspects of a lighting fixture. Step 3: Example: An LED luminaire produces 1.5 candela at a corner angle of 70 °, how many lumens does it produce? All you have to do is replace 1.5 cd and 70 ° C in the conversion formula, which will give you: 1.7lm. Step 2: Enter the candela and degrees into the formula: lumens = candela × (2π (1 – cos (degrees / 2))) .

candela lumen calculator

Step 1: Obtain the candela and the vertex angle in degrees of the light source. (These values ​​are in catalogs and the internet). In other words, the formula to convert from candela to lumen is as follows: Steps to convert from candela to lumen When making the replacement of the formula of the steradians (2) in the formula of candela to lumen (1), we have the following: To convert from candela to lumens, the value of candela must be multiplied by the angular interval of the light source in steradians, as shown in the following formula (1): Where, is the symbol of the lumens to find and, is the symbol of the candelas, while, it is the symbol of the steradians that are defined by the following formula (2):


Examples of how to convert from candela to lumen

Candela lumen calculator